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December is HERE! 2022 ends with Critical Re-evaluations!

December 1st

December first is a very busy day in the month of December, we have a Venus opposition to Mars retrograde, Mercury squaring Neptune (oh how fun) and Venus in a nice sextile with Saturn! This first day of the Month sees the Moon meandering through the Sign of Pisces as well, getting Cozy with Neptune and Jupiter. All in all it is a feel good energy that doesn’t equate to getting much done in any situation. Especially with the Mars Retrograde. We can be feeling like we are spinning our wheels and not getting traction on what all the odds and ends we need or want to finish up. As we move through this day we may be fortunate enough to have interactions with others in a tangible and pragmatic way but not accomplish the full spectrum of what we want to do. While Venus and Mars are in Opposition they both are making beautiful aspects to Saturn we may be able to accomplish certain things but not all. We need to take our time getting things done and not skimping on the details. Whilst we find ourselves at odds with how we fit every little detail into the grand scheme of all we are trying to accomplish.

December 3rd

Neptune stations direct in the evening here on the Eastern Seaboard of the US, moving our anxieties up a notch as we can’t quite grasp where the tension is coming from, why we are so agitated or feeling like a prickly pear. As Neptune stations it does so in a T-square to Mars, Venus and Mercury quite tightly! This can cause interesting mixups in communication with relationships and the big picture. We may be deluding ourselves into thinking one way when really it’s not quite that at all. Or maybe we just need a little escape from the mundane and enjoy spell of laziness or lounging, especially if we are feeling burned out anyway and need a rest. This energy is good for extracurriculars that don’t involve paying attention to the details and just surrendering to the flow of what’s happening. If checking things off your list and getting things accomplished is your thing, this is not a day to try to force it to happen.

December 6th

Mercury enters Capricorn! Mercury in Capricorn is sharp and cunning. Taking into account what needs to go where, what time things need to be done, and when to start and finish that project you’re working on! This is great energy. Pay attention though, Mercury will move quickly into Shadow as it will go retrograde this month and pick up where it left on in January! Staring it’s retrograde at 24°. The same degree it went direct in the beginning of the year. This means that something we thought was done and put to bed, may not be done and put to bed. There could be another episode later in the month with themes and situations that repeat from that timeframe.

December 7th

We’ve been building to this Full Moon since the end of November. The Moon and Mars are conjunct and it’s Full! The Good or the Bad with this is that the Moon is Close to Apogee. Which means this has been a long time coming! The great thing about this Full Moon is that if there has been something you want cut out of your life, it very well may be done at this time. The bad thing about this Full Moon is that it is still in orb to be Squaring Neptune. We may be feeling confused and angry but not sure why we’re angry and confused. Full Moons illuminate what has come to a natural completion by themselves, with Mars here it may cut (Mars rules separation) something or someone out of our lives for good. With the Square to Neptune we may be feeling a certain way about it. But the finality of it is no less painful. Though Mercury is freshly in Capricorn at this time it is still squaring Jupiter in Pisces along with Venus squaring from Sagittarius. More confusion and disillusionment about how we got into this place and space as a result of wanting to do the correct thing. Though Saturn will be grounding this Moon and Mars with a nice Trine and Sextile we will need the support and help of our fiends. Saturn in Aquarius can help us to think long and hard about the future and the gravity of the endings we face currently. The Sextile to Chiron from Mars and the Moon means we are working with our insecurities at this time. We are working to liberate ourselves and talk about the gaping hole we have yet to face. But we will get there. We can be feeling at odds with our tumultuous feelings with the Sun opposing Mars. Perhaps this is an inner battle or a true opposing force that needs to be taken care of. Either way, it’s going to be confusing.

December 9th

Venus into Capricorn, practical, logical, organized, structured, compartmentalized and ready to tackle the world in a Gucci Suit and Starbucks Latte. Right along with the tight nape bun with no hair out of place and giant owl glasses. She’s chic but ever so practical with her sensible flats! On her way into Capricorn from Sagittarius, Venus Squared Jupiter. This isn’t a bad thing. Jupiter rules both Sagittarius and Pisces. But Squares are oftentimes rife with conflict or tension, they are both benefic planets. Too much of a good thing, isn’t always a good thing. Venus leaving Sagittarius and Jupiter leaving Pisces can see a crisis of completion taking place in these two signs in our charts. There can be power struggles with squares. Maybe coming off the back end of this Full Moon a couple of days ago we understand where we need to let go of the piousness and self-righteous attitude to surrender to something greater than we are. Lest we go all out and sabotage ourselves due to overindulgences and grandiose gestures of altruism and sacrifice.

December 14th

With the Sun squaring Neptune at this time we can feel like we are trudging through sludge and our feet are anchored in concrete. The Sun and Neptune Square happens twice a year and both times people energy is low and not where it should be. We can be feeling lethargic and not be clear in what it is we are trying to do. We want to be high minded but with Neptune in the mix we can feel tired and under water, sleepy and caring more about our rest then anything else.

December 20th

Jupiter Re-enters Aries, here it will traverse the independent and pioneering sign until May 16th, whereupon it will enter Taurus where it will remain for the rest of the year! That’s right, no dipping back into Aries a final time! Nothing to wrap up and review here. This is it, if this is a good transit for you, be prepared to go all out form now until May 16th! Jupiter will be here to help the fighting spirit, the action taker, the go getter. Jupiter will expand on all things action oriented. It will also benefit those that want to take action in this area of life as it will bestow its benevolence upon this sign and the planets it conjuncts here. The not so nice part at the beginning of this Transit is that Mars is still retrograde and will be so until January 12th. This means that while Jupiter is here, it will sextile Mars, offering support but it has to give way to Mars and concede to Mars rule. Mars is re-evaluating strategy and language in Gemini. Mars is also reconsidering the details it needs to move forward with a plan of action to make the final cuts here in Gemini. Jupiter has to answer to Mars making his moves. We may want to find a way to fit the big picture with the details. And make it work.

December 21st

Happy Solstice! The Sun enters Capricorn and immediately Squares Jupiter in Aries! This Solstice may be busier than we had anticipated with what we are doing. Even while in re-evaluation mode we perhaps have bitten off more than we can chew. We may indeed be working on something that will benefit our plans of action but for now we are possibly overwhelmed and trying our best to structure and compartmentalize everything. While in the middle of taking action on our plans.

December 23rd

New Moon in Capricorn squaring Jupiter in Aries! Action, Crisis, Action Crises, but in good ways? The rest of the energy at this new moon is quite beautiful! The only hard aspects are the New Moon and Jupiter. Even Mars is making a harmonious sextile to Chiron. This energy is beautiful! Sextile and Trines everywhere! Working with others, easy flow of information and results in all the things. Mercury is deep in shadow but for now things are beautiful! We’re able to accomplish what we want to accomplish with ease and wonder at this time! BUT, for most it will be too easy and the lethargy of the holiday may encroach its seductive ways into our otherwise need for accomplishment. We can accomplish great feats with such harmonious energy but will we want to? Or will we give in to the festivities and enjoy a little Nog under the mistletoe with good food and surrounded by friends/family?

December 29th

Venus and Mercury meet up in Capricorn as Mercury stations Retrograde for the very last time this year! While Mercury is sitting still in the sky, looking like he’s dropped his keys and is totally confused and needs to backtrack, beautiful Venus passes by with a smile and a nod, heading to more treacherous lands with Pluto lurking at the end degrees of the Capricorn Castle, stalking on the Aquarius’ open floor plan home turf. This Mercury retrograde can find us revising things from as far back as January this year. Expect some communication about money and possibly BIG business. Maybe this re-evaluation of Mercury is about how some are cooking the books to maximize profit margin and forego profit sharing or that bonus you were promised 6 months ago! Be aware. Perhaps a secret will come to light for those in the upper echelon of power and the mighty may yet fall… Time will tell. Time will tell.

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